€250,00 EUR

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Unlock Your Power Strategy Session

Feeling a little lost in your business or not sure how to get your great idea out there in the world? You get to take advantage of my many, many years of marking and coaching all in one powerful intensive session. It is time to breath new energy into your plans and get your power back!

This is a 1.5hr deep dive session where we get clarity around the alignment in your business.

In this one we uncovering your blind spots and identify what is keeping you stuck. We then work through the elements of your business so you can grow quicker and with more ease. The sessions happen over zoom. You will get a copy of the recording and the price also includes access to one of my courses.

In this intensive live session we will uncover what is holding you back from the success you deserve and unlock how to. bringing you back into your power so you can gain momentum in your business. You will also be given access to one of my popular online courses.

(Price also includes access to one online course)

NOTE: This is a non-refundable purchase.

What People Are Saying:

This session surprised me in that it pinpointed areas that I was not aware of, that were keeping me stuck. As soon as we worked through these I had a much better idea of how to move forward in my business with more ease and less overthinking.

Amy - Wellness Coach